Gratitude needs to be given to Fortune City, for hosting this page for the last 10 years, that I all but forgot about.

I had moved on a long time ago, but Fortune City will always be where my fortunes changed and turned me into a webmaster. Sure, there are other sites out there that offer more these days, but they have real questionable practices. Fortune City has been very faithful in hosting this page, with nary a contact from me for years.

So if you wish to get started webmastering, and you don't mind some rules, head to and sign up.

Now for the reasons I don't host here anymore...

1. I fell in love with PHP, very nerdy, but very potent. I also learned to use MySQL. Neither of which are available here.

2. I learned how to host my own websites on my own server. This power is sweet, but it comes with 4X the work.

3. I needed to host filetypes that Fortune City wouldn't allow.

4. I actually got a career in IT admin, and felt that it would look bad if my site had someone elses ads on it.

Several other reasons abound, but those are the main ones.

HERE is the old page, with the old 4 entry guestbook, if you must torture yourself.

Thanks for stopping by,
Zaphod of Zaphod's Protection Scripts and Blocklists, and Zaphod's Deepest Thought.
Contact Page on New Site
or [email protected]